Ways in Which Telemedicine Protects Practices and Patients

Written by Sarah Lim Lic#0M52397

As we continue the fight against the spread of infection of COVID19, telehealth visits are becoming an increasingly indispensable tool.  Physicians are able to treat more patients without having to sacrifice the quality of care while also reducing the risk of spreading communicable diseases like COVID19.  Additional benefits of using telemedicine services include providing patients with easier access to care, providing efficiencies as well as flexibility in schedules. 

One factor contributing to the value of telemedicine is convenience.  For many people, having to miss work or school to go to a doctor’s appointment is inconvenient, especially for those living in remote areas and have limited access to medical treatment.  Patients need a physician to assess their symptoms to be able to distinguish between the common cold, flu, and now, COVID19.  Knowing the difference in what you may have can prepare you on what to expect and what steps to take.  This can mean that you may just need to stay home and rest or be prepared to go to a hospital if any symptoms worsen and become life threatening.  

Telehealth visits ultimately make it easier for the physician and patient to connect.  Physicians use screening questions to gather history and assess symptoms and can even connect medical devices to the tele visit session to further collect vital information.  If medications are needed, they can be prescribed remotely and sent to the patient’s pharmacy of choice.  Further follow-ups can be scheduled as in-office visits for those patients who have more serious conditions. 

The second factor evidencing the value of telemedicine is the reduction in the risk of spreading disease.  The coronavirus and other respiratory viruses do not have a cure and even vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing illnesses like the flu.  The best way to prevent infections like these is to avoid exposure.  Telemedicine can reduce the spread of disease in the following ways:

·      By seeking medical care from home, the risk of spreading germs is significantly lowered, especially if you don’t have to use public transportation or wait in a waiting room with other sick patients. 

·      Due to the convenience of telehealth visits, patients are more likely to seek medical care at the first signs of any symptoms.  By doing so, any infections can be promptly detected.

·      Because providers are easily accessible through telemedicine, patients are more likely to follow up with their doctors if their symptoms worsen or if they have any additional questions.

Lastly, telemedicine reduces the amount of stress that practices endure and protects both patients and providers by providing a safe and efficient way for them to connect.  By having such flexible and easy access to their doctors, patients will not have to resort to going to the emergency room or urgent cares.  Telehealth visits can also help immensely during busy times like the flu season when practices are stretched thin.  Ultimately, virtual visits help physicians treat more patients and allow them to save in-office visits for those who have more complicated needs.